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Shop Kaiser Willys

Owners Manual
Fits 64-71 CJ-5 with 4-134 engine

Part # MANUAL-120

New Reproduction Owners Manual

Reprint of the original issue owners manual. Great manual that covers commonly asked questions and day to day service of your vehicle. Includes trouble shooting and regularly scheduled maintenance information. Great "glove box" item.

64-71 CJ-5 with 4-134 engine

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Hi I search a manual: KAISER-JEEP CJ-5 24V (1969) Only for the 24V generation. Regards, Anita

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
The closest manual for the 24volt system would be for the M38A1 which is the military version of the CJ-5. See part number: MANUAL-015

Is the 4-134 nicknamed the Duke motor? I have a 1964 cj5, would this manual work?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
No, Ive not head it called that. Yes, that is the right manual.

Hi looking for owner manual for 1963 jeep fc150

Willys Tech:
Sorry I dont have owners manual for that currently for that. We do have: MANUAL-040

Do you have a service Manuel for a CJ6A and also an owner manual

Willys Tech:
This would be the proper one for the CJ-6 and the part number: MANUAL-020 or MANUAL-025 would be for the CJ-6 as well.

Have a 63 Kiaser Jeep with Diesel 4 cly eng. What type Jeep is this? Cant find a K Jeep with Diesel engine anywhere. Your manuals only show Willis Jeeps & NO Kiaser Jeep. Kiaser made them 63-69 then AMC took over for the 70 model year & after. I need any info on this as I cant find a Jeep with a Diesel engine. Was the diesel eng an option? Your web doesnt show a Jeep with Diesel eng from 63-69 or I cant find it.Kinda getting tired of looking. Please help & TUVM. Chaz

Willys Tech:
The diesel was an oddball option. They are all pretty much the same however otherwise. If you let us know what you are looking for we can probably help.

What is the wheel base for a CJ 5a. I need to put my new purchase on a car dolly to tow it home.

Willys Tech:
83.5 wheel base.

Ok, this is for the CJ-5 with the 4-134 engine, do you have one for the 225? I searched your website and didn't find one.

Willys Tech:
I have mechanics manuals for that vehicle. Its part number: MANUAL-025

I have a 1965 Willys Jeep does it show this 65 also do you have the steering wheel for the 65

Willys Tech:
This is the proper manual. The steering wheel you want is part number: 927416K
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