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Shop Kaiser Willys

Passenger Side Seat Frame
Fits 50-52 M38

Part # A2925-38

New Replacement Passenger Side Seat Frame

Proper tubular design and welded pans ready to go for your seat covers and cushions. Pivots like orignal. These are a great reproduction. Comes primered ready for paint. Keep your military Jeep like orignal.

50-52 M38

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I am rebuilding a M38 and a lot of parts were missing. I purchased replacement seats and when the passenger seat is installed , it is not sitting firmly, like something is missingon the right rear of the seat or the body for it to sit on squarely. Do you have any idea what i need?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email mike@kaiserwilys.com some pictures so we can see and help out. Thanks!

What is the difference between the passenger M38 and the CJ3A seat frame?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
They are very similar. Please email mike@kaiserwillys.com your vehicle information and we can help out.

Will this work as the passenger seat in a 1952 utility station wagon?

Willys Tech:
The Willys Station Wagon used an entirely different seat. We can get those good used.

Does this seat fit in a 1953 M38A1?

Willys Tech:
Yes it will work perfectly for you.

Does this seat fold?

Willys Tech:
Yes these fold forward on the pivots on top of the tool bin.

if i buy this will i get all the hard where with it or do i got to get it seperate

Willys Tech:
This is just the frame. There really isnt much hardware other than the pivots which we do sell as well but yours are probably still there.
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