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US Made Windshield Hold Down Strap (Olive Drab)
Fits 41-64 MB, GPW, CJ-2A, 3A, 3B, M38

Part # 2A1923

New Windshield Frame Hold Down Strap in Olive Drab

Made in the USA!!

Attaches to the front of the grille off your center footman loop. Comes complete with buckle and original style webbing.

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
50-52 M38

Part # Price





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Will this strap work on my hood mounted winshield tie down loop?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
It is adjustable so I imagine it depends where the hold down is located.

Can I get this in a different color? Tan would work.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
These are sold in OD green or black only.

How long is it? I ordered one for my CJ3A in black and it was several inches to short.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
It is approx 16" like original.

Where is this strap used on a GPW? Thanks

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You can use it as a way to secure the windshield frame when in the down position to a footman loop on the front of the grille.

Is the windshield hold down strap for the M38A1, too?

Willys Tech:
693199 will work for the M38A1 as well.

How long is this strap?

Willys Tech:
Approx 16 like original.

Does this cover come with the grommets in it to attach to the frame?

Willys Tech:
We do sell a hardware kit as well. Part number: HDWRKIT

I ordered sets of seat covers for my 46 willys cj 2A. i did not see a place to state the color and type of material. How can I add it. I want them in black vinyl.

Willys Tech:
There is a order notes box at checkout. If you dont put anything we will both call and email you to get the information either way. Thanks!

The original cushions on my CJ3-A had coil springs within the bottom and back seat cushions. Do I need to have these springs to use your product? (the upholsterer I used years ago discarded these)

Willys Tech:
No you can get rid of those. These use high quality hi-density automotive grade foam.

Will these seat bottoms work for a 54 Willys M38A? I need cushions with the pan Can I use this one?

Willys Tech:
Sure. We custom make them so this will do the trick for you. Just specify M38A1 in the order notes at checkout.

The info said choose color & material but couldn't find where it was to ask for color & material ; anyway I want Olive drab canvas for my 46 CJ-2A

Willys Tech:
At checkout there is a box for order notes. You can put it there. If you dont its no problem, we will call and email you anyways to confirm the information. Thanks!

Will this fit a 61 cj 3b

Willys Tech:
Yes that is correct. We custom make them to your vehicle.

I'm a bit unclear, is this both the cushion for the horizontal seat surface and the vertical seat back being sold for $84.99?

Willys Tech:
The is the upper seat cover and cushion for your back on the seat frame.

Will this seat cushion fit a 1948 CJ3A Willys?

Willys Tech:
Yes this is the one you need.

does the seat bottom have a metal replacement piece for the rusted out original?

Willys Tech:
They originally used a plywood pan on the bottom. We sell these with and withought the pan.

Does this cushion have a flap that would be folded over the plywood for ease of attachement to the plywood.

Willys Tech:
Yes the fold over the seat frame tube for install just like original.

Do the upper cushions have the flaps for installation with srews to the frame

Willys Tech:
Yes that is correct.

Do you also have the cushion for the seat bottoms?

Willys Tech:
Yes, Try part numbaer: 2A2301-2 or 2A2301-2NP

Are these seat cushion replacements made with springs, as were the originals, or are they made with foam ?

Willys Tech:
These use a high density cushion that is automotive grade.

Does the Canvas, Olive Drab material match that of the Field Top you said you can deliver for my CJ2A?

Willys Tech:
Yes, that is correct.
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