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Shop Kaiser Willys

Cylinder Head Gasket (Copper)
Fits 41-53 Jeep & Willys with 4-134 L engine

Part # 638560

New Cylinder Head Gasket in Copper

Seal up your leaky head. High quality reproductions of the originals.

Helpful Guides and Illustrations:
4-134 L Head Torque Sequence - Willys Jeep Cylinder Head

4-134 L engine

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
50-52 M38
46-49 Truck
46-49 Station Wagon
48-49 Jeepster

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Is there a right side up, should the flat side be down against the block on a copper head gasket?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Metal side down Thanks!

I am in process of replacing my M38 head gasket. Before I order new gaskets, I would like to know if there are benefits to buying a copper gasket, the one coming out appears to be aluminum over asbestos. It has been in there 25 years. Thanks, Don

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Some people prefer copper of composite. However it is much more costly. I dont have any issues with either sealing.

Is it copper on both sides? If it's only on one side which side goes down to the engine block. Thanks Jax

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, this is copper on both sides of the head gasket.

Should I use a gasket cement such as permatex type 2 or is it not needed for the copper cylinder head gasket?

WIllys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, a thin layer of sealant shouldn't hurt. A lot of people don't use it with the copper.
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