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Shop Kaiser Willys

Mechanics (service) Manual
Fits 46-50 Truck, Station Wagon, Jeepster

Part # MANUAL-005

New Reproduction Mechanics Manual

Reprint of the original service manual. Includes complete vehicle disassembly, assembly, and blowup diagrams. If your looking to restore your vehicle - this is the first thing you should buy. A complete walk thru to help you rebuild or trouble shoot just about any mechanical or electrical problem. Dont rely on those wrong universal manuals - this is the proper one. Guaranteed.

46-49 Truck
46-49 Station Wagon
48-50 Jeepster

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1950 Jeepster Does this manual show the wiring semantics for the gages in dash. I am getting low voltage

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, it will go over electrical.

Does Manual-005 cover a 1950 Jeepster with a 473 VJ serial number prefix? Thanks!

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, that is correct.

does this cover the overdrive?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, that is correct.

Does this manual also cover the 6-148 engine?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, I do believe so but will need to confirm.

Does this manual cover the F-4 134 hurricane engine.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
MANUAL-035 is what you want.

I have a 1947 pickup with a super hurricane 6- 226 later engine. Which service manual would be best for me. Thank you Randy

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Given the motor I would go with the MANUAL-035

I have a 1949 jeepster vj-2 463 is still the right manual for it ?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, that is correct.

I have a 46 station wagon, 2x4, with a flat 6-226, which manual would I ask for, thanks, ernie

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I would probably go with Manual-035 if you need it to cover the engine as well. This manual would work too but wont cover the engine since it was not used on the early Willys Station Wagon. It covers the 4-134 engine.

Does this manual come with torque specs? Also rebuild/reseal information of T90 transmission and T18 transfer case?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, this give you all the torque specs originally given and step by step on disassembly and assembly.

Does this manual cover the super hurricane 6226 engine

Willys Tech:
For the Willys 6-226 you would want to order part number: MANUAL-035

Does this manual cover the 4-134L engine?

Willys Tech:
Yes that is correct, it will.

Dear sirs, could you send these manual to Brazil? Regards

Willys Tech:
Sure. We ship daily UPS and USPS international.
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