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Shop Kaiser Willys

New Exhaust Manifold Special Tapered Washer
Fits 41-53 Jeep & Willys with 4-134 L engine

Part # 344732

New Exhaust Manifold Special Tapered Washer (7 required per vehicle)

Proper tapered washer for your exhaust manifold to block studs.

4-134 L engine

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
50-52 M38
46-49 Truck
46-49 Station Wagon
48-49 Jeepster

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Do you know if this will work on a 1962 6-226 engine?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
No it is for the 134 L head 4 cylinder.

i thought i only needed two of these, but this is for seven???

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
There are 7 needed for the intake and exhaust on a 134 L head engine.

is this what is referred to as a conical washer, used for the two studs that bolt down the intake and exhaust headers?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, that is correct.

I'm still not sure where they go on my CJ2A 134-L engine? once the exhaust manifold is on then the washers then the nuts? how many do i need?

WIllys Jeep Parts Tech:
Typically people use 1 per stud on the manifold both intake and exhaust. This goes against the block.

Are you selling one pack of seven,Or is that $5.99 a piece?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sorry, these specialty washers are each and Made in the USA.

Are these to be uss. ed on all seven studs? Do you also have the nut? I am missing 3 of them.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, these are used on all. On the nut you can use either part number: 503354 or B0109

So where exactly are these used? Im doing manifold work. and worried if i need these ?

Willys Tech:
The go between the nut and the block. It is the specialty washer for the manifold stud nut.
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