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Shop Kaiser Willys

New Military Fuel Pump Primer Handle
Fits 50-62 M38, M38A1


New Military Fuel Pump Primer Handle (1 required per vehicle)

Proper primer handle for your original military fuel pump.

4-134 engine

50-52 M38
52-62 M38A1

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I had one of my fuel pumps sent in and rebuilt. The on my jeep has a primer arm. The rebuilt pump does not. Does it need one?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Some had them and some did not. Email mike@kaiserwillys.com to help. They interchange either way.

if I open fuel line at carb and operate primer pump handle , should gas pump out at carb?

Willys Tech:
Ive never done that but I dont believe so. It primes the fuel pump, not the carb.

How do these fit into the fuel pump, how do they stay in place?

Willys Tech:
There is a set screw.
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