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Temperature Switch Sending Unit 6 volt (engine unit)
Fits 46-58 Jeep & Willys with King Seeley gauges

Part # 905926

New Replacemetn Temperature Switch in 6 volt (engine sending unit)

Screws directly into side of head for wire hook up to properly read 6 volt King Seeley Gauges.

46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-58 CJ-3B
55-58 CJ-5
46-58 Truck
46-58 Station Wagon
48-51 Jeepster

Please see part number 914999 for proper reading of your original style gauges on the early '46-51 Truck and Station Wagon.

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If my king seeley gauge in the dash normally reads hot with the ignition off (1941 Willys Americar 134 L head) will this sensor be correct by itself or do I also have to add the circuitry PN 914999.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
If Its an early Americar yes, typically you would need to have that.

Will this work on a Willy Aero with a 161 F6?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
This should work for you if your 6 volt.

I have a 6v '56 CJ5 F134, and these don't fit. It looks like I'm missing a bushing, but all the bushings suggest they're for 12v. Did someone cut new threads in my F134? Is there any issue using the 12V bushing?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
See part number: 914777

Do you have to drain some antifreeze before you remove temp switch on 1953 cj3a willys 6 volt?My gauge isn't working and don't know yet if it is guage or switch.

Willys Tech:
You dont have to drain it. Some may drain out on the head though. Just replace it but do it quickly.

Hi, will this fit into my 1954 Packard straight Eight?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sorry, I am not certain on a Packard.

Can these seat covers be made two tone with a different color cap? For example white part is where you sit and back leans on(what you touch as you sit) and the rest green with a gray cap.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sorry, we only can make these 1 tone.

I have an 1950 international L120 with king seeley factory gauges. Would this sender work for these as well

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I have not tried this in that vehicle.

Have a 1951 Willy’s truck. It has had a 1953 ford flat head v8 put in it. I want to use the gauges on the dash. I have read that the Willy’s temp gauge uses a 90-10 ohm sending unit. Do you have one of these that will fit the flat head v8.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
You may have to pick up some sort of fitting there locally to adapt.

I have a 1955 Willys Station Wagon 6-226. I have converted to 12 volts. I am restoring the gauges and have added a 12 Instrument gauge voltage regulator to the instrument cluster. Will this temperature sending unit work or do I need to do something else. Thanks,

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Your temperature switch will need to be 12 volt part number: 914847

I have replaced this part in the 1951 pick up and I have also replaced all the wiring in the truck and I'm using a 12v battery. Is there a 12v to 6v reducer for the gauges as all my gauges when powered up go full to right, EG: Fuel always full. temp always hot.

Erin Goodman:
Use a DC to DC converter. They are made in many different configurations, just use one that goes from 12vdc to 6vdc and supply power to your gauges with it.
Willys Tech:
You will need to make sure your fuel gauge is properly set up for 12 volt. The guage itself needs to be 12 volt. I would also check your wiring and ground.

will this work on a kaiser 161 super sonic 6 volt

Willys Tech:
Yes this should screw in.

I have a 1955 CJ5 6 volt, it has the speedometer cluster with gauges, item # 914845. Will this unit work for my vehicle?

Willys Tech:
Yes this will work for you.

will this unit work with all guages

Willys Tech:
It will work on all Willys 6 volt gauges.
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