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Transmission Gasket Set with Oil Seal
Fits 46-71 Jeep & Willys with T-90 Transmission

Part # 923301

New Transmission Gasket Set with Oil Seal (1 required per vehicle)

Complete gasket set for every necessary gaskets in the entire transmission. Includes front transmission felt oil seal.

T-90 Transmission

46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1
46-64 Truck
46-64 Station Wagon

Related Parts:
See transfer case to transmission hardware kit - 514887.

Part # Price





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I have a 1962 CJ-5, but it has a T98 transmission. Do you stock parts, or have a diagram for that?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please give us a call and we can try to help.

The kit came with 5 black washers of gasket material. I assume these associate with the bolts that attach the transfer case. Am I on the right track, and if so, where on the bolt do they go?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Those are not necessary for the install. I believe they are just extra pieces.

923301 gasket kit comes with two paper gaskets for retainer cap -- are both required when using 640422 retaining cap with neoprene seal? Also, is a gasket/sealer required between transmission and bell housing.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Just one is used. If you have a neoprene seal the felt would not be used. You can use some sealant on the bellhousing if you like.

is one of these gaskets for between the bell housing and the transmission?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
That large gasket you can either make there locally or use some permatex if you like.

What grade gear oil should I use in my 1946 Cj-2a ? Thanks.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
80/90 weight non synthetic straight GL-4 in your transmission and transfer case.

I would like to get the gasket set for the T90 transmission do you also sell a seals for the column shift transmission

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
923301 and part number 640386 and 640383

Where do I find T90 gasket that goes between transmission and bell housing?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sorry, I dont have a good listing for that. People just use sealant.

Why is there two indentical gaskets ? Have to put the two of them or choose one ?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
They give extras in the kit.

What is the large oil seal for where does this go?

Willys Tech:
That is the felt seal that goes behind the front bearing cap. It is a compression seal for the main drive gear.

The front transmission seal is leaking bad I rebuilt the whole transmission while I had it out. I bought the seal from you replaced it and its still leaking? Any suggestions does this seal usually have issues? All that stops it from leaking is compression? doesn't seem like enough? also if its a little over filled do you think that could be making it leak? I filled it from the top only because it was easier.

Willys Tech:
Yes it is a compression seal. You have to make sure the surface the seal is riding on does not have any wear or grove patterns in it. The T90's are leakers by nature but you shouldnt have more than a few drops. Make sure to pregrease the seal too before install.

In your t-90 transmission gasket kit you sent two paper and one felt gasket. Which one do you use because the paper gasket had leaked ? and do i use a paper and the felt? the manual only showed one gasket.

Willys Tech:
You should use the felt seal on the transmisison. It is a compression seal. Make sure to grease it.

Will the T-90 transmission work with a 1971 Renagade with a 231 V-6?

Willys Tech:
As long as you have a T90 transmission in there now it will.

Are this plastic or paper?

Willys Tech:
These are paper like original.

Does this include part #645980, felt oil seal? Thanks.

Willys Tech:
Yes that is correct.
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