2025 Kaiser Willys Catalog is Now Available!

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Shop Kaiser Willys

US Made Rear Valance Panel
Fits 46-71 CJ-2A, 3A, 3B, 5, M38, M38A1


New Replacement Steel Rear Valence Panel

Made in the USA

Properly die formed in 16 gauge steel like original.

Quality reproduction rear panel in original heavy duty gauge steel. Direct fit and predrilled

Goes between bottom of the tailgate and the rear crossmember.

1 required per vehicle.

46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
50-52 M38
55-71 CJ-5
52-66 M38A1

Part # Price





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my bracket for valance are completely rusted out where can I get new ones

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Not sure what you are asking. Why don't you give us a call and we can try to assist you.

What are the 4 holes for?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Tailgate hinges

can I get samples to match the color

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, they are free. Please email mike@kaiserwillys.com and we can help. Thanks!

Will this fit my 1974 c j 5

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sorry, they are different but email mike@kaiserwillys.com and we may have a listing for your year.

do you have this for a 43 MB frame?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
A2758 would be the closest thing available for you on your MB.

Is the valence panel used with the full rear weld in panel?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, that is correct. They are compatible.

Will this fit a fc 150 bed?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sorry, this is only for CJ's Jeeps.

Is the bottom cushion 3" or 5" thick? Thanks!

Willys Tech:
They are are typically 3" but we can do them in a hi-profile. We usually do the low profile to allow more room under the steering wheel.

My CJ-2A Valence has two L-Brackets spot welded on the back side yours show no brackets are these a part by them self?

Willys Tech:
You have to use your existing brackets with this item.

Looking for help have 51jeep pickup have bottom seat no back rest no idea how to mount it do u handle back rest I c u have covers for both

Willys Tech:
The bench seat and brackets are all only available good used.

Please mil me samples of colors - can u get contrasting piping?

Willys Tech:
Please email mike@kaiserwillys.com your mailing address and we can help you out.

How do you choose color I don't see a place on the order form?

Willys Tech:
There will be a box at the end of checkout. Either way we will be contacting you after you order them to get the information.

I assume you remove the old seat covering first? Is the new material the same thickness as the original? Thanks

Willys Tech:
Yes I would. Yes it as thick as original.

Is it fabric on top and vinyl on the edge or all vinyl?

Willys Tech:
It is a quilted vinyl material throughout.

Do you have color samples, I'm looking for grey that was original for my 1956 Willys Jeep pick up truck ?.

Willys Tech:
Yes we can mail you samples. Please call us toll free.

Does this cover and padding go directly over the seat springs or does it go over the existing cover and padding that is already there? i.e. Do you remove the old cover and padding to install this new cover and padding?

Willys Tech:
Yes you will want to remove the old cover and padding and install this complete cover over the old seat frame.

Is this valence already with a new complete body kit or do I need to purchase separate? Thanks

Willys Tech:
This is complete with the tubs.

Does this kit include both the seat cover and seat back cover?

Willys Tech:
Yes that is correct it does both upper and lower.

Is this the foam cushion and the cover of the foam cushion together, or just the cover?

Willys Tech:
This is the cover and it does have a pad under it to go over the springs.

You say the online catalog has the interior color chart, but I can't find it. Can you post a link with the seats? It would make ordering easier.

Willys Tech:
Check in the pdf it has the color codes in the seat cover section. Please call us toll free. We can help you out too.

What are top caps?

Willys Tech:
That is horizontal trim running along the top of the upper back.

Do these slip over the entire seat and frame? How are they attached, snaps, zippers, hog rings?

Willys Tech:
They fit over the frame like original. They use the rings and come with the tool too.

where does this fit in on the jeep? does this go behind the rear cross member?

Willys Tech:
Yes it is the panel below the tailgate.

Do you have a white or ivory color?

Willys Tech:
Yes we can do a offwhite or white color for this.

What is the difference between covers with and without top caps how do I know which cover I need? I have a 1961 4x4 Station Wagon.

Willys Tech:
The top cap is just a horizontal bead on the upper section of the cover.

Can you explain what the top cap is on the seats. They are sold with and without a top cap.

Willys Tech:
It is a smooth bead that runs horizontally across the top of the seat.

does the online catelog have the colors for the seats?

Willys Tech:
Yes that is correct.

Is pricing online always current?

Willys Tech:
Yes, online pricing is always current.

do you have the seat springed seat frames back and bottom as well as seat covers

Willys Tech:
Please call me toll free. We may have good used on this.

I have a 1948 red Jeepster. What was the original color of the seat covers?

Willys Tech:
There are a number of original options there. Ive typically seen black. But really I would just go by your preference.

Does it come in the original green and do you have a picture I can see?

Willys Tech:
Yes, we can get really close and have a few options. Please call us toll free.

What does it mean with caps? What are your colors?

Willys Tech:
It is the trim piece on the upper quarter of the bench seat. Our catalog has all our colors in it. Please call us toll free or you can order one online for free. They are full color!

how do I see the available colors

Willys Tech:
Please call us toll free. We off pretty much any color you need. It is in our new catalog.
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