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Shop Kaiser Willys

Flywheel Ring Gear 129 tooth
Fits 52-71 CJ-3B, 5, M38A1

Part # 802925

New Replacement Flywheel Ring Gear with 129 Tooth Count

Brand new ring gear for early flywheels. Simply heat up your old damaged ring gear for removal.

4-134 F engine

53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
52-66 M38A1

Part # Price





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Have a 63 CJ-5 with 4-134F engine. Is the AA7004 starter and 802925 Ring gear the correct pairing?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Yes, that is all correct.

Can you ship this item to postal box in Lao PDR

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email and we can quote you out.

I have a '53 cj3a per the title. I count 97 teeth on the flywheel. I've read about using a 4.2l toyota starter on a 129t flywheel in a late cj3a bellhousing. Are the rings interchangeable between different model flywheels? so that I don't need to buy an f-134 flywheel, just the ring? in simpler terms. is the diameter of the 97t, 124t, and 129t gear the same?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
All the ring gear inner diameters are the same. You just have a 2A/MB ring gear in yours.

I am worki g on a friend's 1959 Willys Jeep with the four cylinder. The ring gear is damaged in several places, so I pulled the engine for access. I count 129 teeth. I want to order a new ring gear, but I am concerned about why this happened. The starter bendix looks new. Could I have some kind of mismatch?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Please email your starter motor numbers and we can confirm if its the right starter for your ring gear.

hello I have a willys cj3 I think of the 53 its engine is a F134 with mechanical ignition of foot use a similar one to this 641157, what do you think it would be the one that has a 124 or the 129 ?, thanks

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
If you can please email and I can try to help you out.

New replacement flywheel gear with 129 counting teeth this replacement flywheel gear whith 129 teeth, is it compatible FOR an M38 OF 1952? Sugerir una edición New replacement flywheel gear with 129 counting teeth this replacement flywheel gear whith 129 teeth, is it compatible FOR an M38 OF 1952? Sugerir una edición New replacement flywheel gear with 129 counting teeth this replacement flywheel gear whith 129 teeth, is it compatible FOR an M38 OF 1952?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
It will go on your crankshaft but you need to make sure your starter is compatible. Most M38's had 124 tooth ring gear. You can take a 124 tooth ring gear and put it on though, they are the same ID.

For a CJ5 of 1957 (Hurricane F4-134), which 12V starter motor (reference ?) must be installed with this Flywheel Ring Gear ? Thank you

Willys Jeep Parts Tech :
We have a number of options depending on your original starter motor. The most common are AA7004-12V or 925520-12V. Please call us toll free and we can help you.

Are flywheel rings for cj3a and cj3b interchangeable?

Willys Tech:
No, the CJ-3A used a 124 tooth ring gear part number: 641955.

57 cj5 What is the best way to replace the flywheel gear? Will it need to be balanced once replaced?

Willys Tech:
You just need to heat them up to take them off and heat new one to put it on. Make sure it is fully seated.

what's the deal on changing the ring gear on a 1964 cj3b. drop the trans or pull the engine? will need to do this soon. thanks. tom

Willys Tech:
I would drop the transmission. It just takes alittle heat to take old one off and put new one on.
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