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Front Axle Drive Flange
Fits 41-75 Jeep & Willys with Dana 25/27 & Dana 23 rear

Part # A868

New Front Axle Drive Flange

Dana 25/27 front & 23 rear

41-45 MB (front and rear)
41-45 GPW (front and rear)
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-75 CJ-5
50-52 M38
53-71 M38A1
46-64 Truck
46-64 Station Wagon

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I recently bought a 49 CJ3A and it's apparently been modified quite a bit over time. I'm replacing the drum brakes and realized it no longer had this part nor the gasket as shown in the diagram. Do I need these parts if I am planning to install the Rugged Ridge Premium Locking Hub Set (SKU 400501)? Ultimate goal is to fully restore, but right now, I just need it operational for farm/ranch work.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
No, lockers take the place of this. Email mike@kaiserwillys.com to help out.

I have a '57 CJ-5 and it has the Cutlass locking hubs. Do you have replacement parts for this type of locking hub? Since I only use this off road, I have never unlocked them, but just blew one out. Are the original drive flanges stronger?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
400501 is a replacement unit for them. Sorry, parts for that style are not available.

what is the part # for the dust cover?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
The dust cover that goes over the axle nut is #641920. Thanks

what is the part # for the dust cover?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Give us a call. When can get one for you. Thank You!

Does this and a dust cap replace the locking hubs I currently have? 68 cj5.

Willys Tech:
Yes that is correct. This is what was originally on your vehicle.

Does the lugs come with the flange or where can I get the lugs?

Willys Tech:
The bolts that hold the flange on are just a local hardware store item. Make sure to get hardened.

Do you have the ability to get the early scalloped lockers

Willys Tech:
Those are only available used. We have part number: 400501

Does this flange come with the proper dust/grease caps?

Willys Tech:
This is the steel drive flange only. The dust cap will fit right on it.

i have a '58 willys cj5 with dana 27 front axle,and i need drive flange but mine is a five bolt pattern. do you carry that

Willys Tech:
The CJ-5 in that year used a Dana 25. Even when they used a Dana 27 they used this same drive flange.

Will dana 25 front axle parts interchange with my 1945 MB spicer front axle such as drive flange, spindle, and hub and drum?

Willys Tech:
Yes, all that is the same on the axle as long as it is out of an early CJ.
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