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Shop Kaiser Willys

Front Spindle Nut Kit
Fits 41-71 Jeep & Willys with Dana 25/27

Part # A867K

New Front Spindle Nut Kit (2 required per vehicle)

Proper spindle nut and lock washer kit for one side. Helps set tension on wheel bearings.

Dana 25 front
Dana 27 rear

41-45 MB
41-45 GPW
46-49 CJ-2A
49-53 CJ-3A
53-64 CJ-3B
55-71 CJ-5
50-52 M38
52-66 M38A1
46-64 Truck
46-64 Station Wagon

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are the lock washers sold separately?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
No they are not.

When I removed the old Spindle nuts, the washers appeared bent around one or two of the nut sides. Mechanic friend says sometimes this is on purpose for extra support where the tab is not good enough. Do I need to bend the new washers when re-installing?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
It probably wouldnt hurt, we have a video on the install as well.

What size is spindle nut size?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
See part number A692 socket. Thanks!

What diameter spindle thread is this made for?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
940775 is the spindle for these nuts used on all four wheel drive Willys.

hello, I need for the 4 wheels, front and rear, and the tool to tighten the nut. Can you help me?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
A692 is the socket tool needed.

Can you post a video installing this?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
I do believe we have a video on our youtube channel that does cover this on the wheel / brake section.

I installed new wheel bearing with new race, installed new lock nuts and washers. The original outside lock nut is different, it's round and has 3 holes for a tool to remove, with the new nuts I can't install lockers, old nuts are cracked and can't reuse.

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
Sounds like you have aftermarket lockers. Please call us toll free and we can try to help. Ask for Mike M. Thanks!

Will these work for the front axle as well?

Willys Jeep Parts Tech:
These are for the front axles. They will work for the rear Dana 27 axles as well. Thanks!

where can i find tool for the front spindle nut Item # A867K or which dimension are the tools

Willys Tech:
A692 is the part number you need.

On a Dana 25 , the front spindle has the two washers and locking nuts .. What order and direction do the washers go on .. the diagram looks like the small one goes on and then the big one. if that is correct then does the washer with the little flange face out toward you and bend up after you put the last nut on..

Willys Tech:
Bend the lip of nut lockwasher so that adjustment locknut and lockwasher may be moved. Rotate wheel and tighten the adjusting nut until the wheel binds. Then back off nut about 1/6th turn or more making sure wheel rotates freely without sidewise shake. Replace the lockwasher and locknut and do not fail to bend over the lockwasher lip on nut.

Is this the same spindle nut and washers as used on the GPW / MB rear??

Willys Tech:
Yes it is the same.

Is the outer locking ring available by itself.

Willys Tech:
Sorry these are just sold as kits.

Is the material thinner on the outer lock washer allowing it to be bent easier than the original? Is there an alternative lockwasher kit?

Willys Tech:
The washer is just like original. They are supposed to be hard to turn over so they dont come loose.
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